Pariposa Preschool




Love of Learning, Love of School

What children need is not new and better curricula but assess to more and more of the real world.
~John Holf

At Pariposa Preschool, we believe children learn by doing and being self-directed. They succeed in the future by learning to love school. Their delight and wonder will be our first priority. Reading readiness, writing, and math skills are incorporated into all activities as useful tools needed to carry out plans.

At Pariposa Preschool, we also understand that the environment plays a vital role in developing a happy, confident, secure and competent child with an inquiring mind. We therefore lay great emphasis on creating a carefully planned and well-resourced environment that is warm, welcoming and engaging. Pariposa Preschool also offers an outstanding second language programme that lays the foundation for a strong bilingual foundation.

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    Pariposa Preschool programmes are developed to prepare your child to grow educationally, emotionally, socially, and physically. Children do not learn because they are taught. They learn as a result of their own doing through actions, relationships, inquiries, opportunities, and repetition. Young children’s brain develop at an amazing rate during the early years.

    Children learn and develop brain cell connections when they: run, jump, dress up, speak, socialize, read, listen, sing, paint, catch, kick, hit, throw, climb, observe, swing, question, scream, pull, push, rhyme, create, shape and more.

    When children experience delight and success during these activities, their brain cells establish permanent “connections” between the activity and the feelings of delight and sense of success. Therefore, our most important goal with curriculum is inspire, delight, curiosity, and inquiry in the classroom. This has shown to build intrinsic motivation (coming from within the child) and a long-term love of learning.

    Pariposa Preschool purposefully employs an Emergent Curriculum approach. Our curriculum is developed day by day and week by week with teachers thoughtfully making plans that draw on children’s interests and developmental needs rather then a teacher dominated curriculum planned weeks or months in advance.

    Our teachers use their knowledge of early child development to OBSERVE the children to determine what developmental tasks they are working on. After observation, teachers SUSTAIN the children’s explorations with collections of related materials that provide the opportunity for children to make connections, create patterns, and engage in repeated practice of skills and explore in their own way. The teachers then ENRICH the children’s explorations and play by adding materials that suggest new ideas, challenges and possibilities for problem solving. Teachers add meaning by DOCUMENTING the children’s explorations and growth.

    The schools provide stimulating learning experiences that respond to individual children, so as to make both teaching and learning a joyful and meaningful experience. This encourages each child to reach their full potential – cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically.

    Parents are welcome in our schools and we highly value and encourage partnership between home and school.

    At Pariposa Preschool, we offer favourable teacher to child ratios, with friendly and supportive work environment, enriched by both internal on-going mentoring and external professional development opportunities.


    The word “PARIPOSA” is derived from Sanskrit meaning GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT.

    The letters in the word “PARIPOSA” are in rainbow colours. As each colour of the rainbow comes with its unique beauty, we belief each child has its own unique capability and strength. Just like the different coloursof the rainbow depicting different meaning. Different colors symbolize different personalities. Each colour invokes feelings and beliefs unique to each of them.

    The word “PRESCHOOL” is in green to signify an environmental friendly school, which believes in “GO GREEN” and in “SUSTAINABILITY”.

    Our theme colours are Green & Yellow. Green symbolises growth and continuity from the time the children join us to the time they leave us. Yellow stands for happiness, freshness, intellect and joy. It also a signifies holistic approach.

    The Magnifying Glass is commonly used as a symbolic representation for the ability to search. At Pariposa, the children are given freedom to express and discover things at their own pace.


    Pariposa believes in working in partnership with families, the community, and staff to ensure that children receive quality care in a nurturing environment. Our services reflect an ongoing commitment to the well-being of children and families characterized by sensitivity, high standards, and flexibility.

    We believe in fostering a desire for learning in children through:

    • LOVE
    • CARE

    Pariposa’s 3 Core’s:

    LOVE: Giving sufficient time to support the child’s learning.

    A daily routine is important for little children because it provides the repetition necessary for learning, and it is also crucial in developing good habits. Our rules are flexible for the child to grow in the way he/she should go.

    PROTECTION: This means providing a positive learning environment. It includes exposing the children to a multisensorial experience by seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. We cultivate a feeling of worth by providing an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated.

    CARE: Our staff has an attitude that values learning.

    We believe play is an integral part of childhood since this is how human beings brace themselves for the adult world. We make room for mistakes and open communication. Little children should be engaged, stimulated and encouraged, but not rushed. Our excellent staff ratio is a vital factor in our program.

    Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it Proverb 22:6


    • To maximize child’s opportunities by providing as many educational experiences as possible, and inculcate in them the love of learning.
    • To ensure each child has an individual work program that educates them at their developmental level.
    • To constantly strive for the improvement of our teaching style to create a more constructive learning for the children, and less teacher-directed learning.
    • To ensure a head-start in each child’s life.
    • Focus on emergent curriculum pedagogy, and practice observations and evaluations, as a means of gearing the curriculum content to best suit the children’s interest

    The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited. By Plutareh


    Pariposa aims to:

    • Empower each individual to be enthusiastic life-long learners, and confident global citizens of the future.
    • Empower parents by helping them learn about the importance of early brain development to later school learning.
    • Follow a curriculum focused on research-based best practices.
    • Acknowledge and respond to each learner’s potential using our 3 CORES
    • Develop an authentic partnership with families and the community.
    • Promote continual evaluation, improvement, and quality assurance to maintain the standards of the Centre.

    Where there is an inquisitive mind there will always be a frontier. By Anonymous